HC Brokerage stepped in 2021 with a new branch in Alexandria. Hassan Choucri: “Our expansion plan aims at providing services to retail in light of the high potential for investment growth in the stock market.”
HC Brokerage launched its new branch in Alexandria, to provide various services in the fields of securities trading, and online trading to the potential investors of this active governorate and the surrounding areas, after obtaining the necessary licenses from the Financial Regulatory Authority, to reach eight branches across the two capitals, Delta and Upper Egypt.
The opening of the new branch comes within the framework of the company’s commitment to being present in uncovered areas who do not have access to investment services and financial advisories throughout the country. HC targets promising areas in terms of investment opportunities and appetite. The past period, particularly during the coronavirus outbreak, proved that these expansions led to great successes across Upper Egypt and the Delta region.
Hassan Choucri, Managing Director of HC Brokerage, said that the opening of the Alexandria branch is a continuation of the company’s efforts to expand in the governorates of Egypt, especially the Delta region. The Egyptian stock market witnessed a significant number of retail investors who acquired a significant share of trading volumes. Due to this current market trend, in addition to the company’s positive outlook for 2021 performance, the decision to offer much needed retail financial services proved feasible in the presence of latent opportunities for investment growth.
He added: “The company plans to add other governorates to the bundle of branches of HC Brokerage in the Delta and Upper Egypt, we are encouraged by the expected improvement in the Egyptian economy’s performance in 2021 and thus the performance of the capital market, despite the crisis of the coronavirus outbreak. We are also encouraged by the pay-off of our efforts.” HC tripled its market share in the retail sector from 0.5% at the end of 2015 to reach 1.5% at the end of 2020, and the company has also jumped from the 55th rank by retail trading volume to the 19th over the same period.”
Choucri stressed that the Egyptian capital market is expected to receive greater interest from foreign investors in 2021, whether in Egyptian treasuries – as their real returns are attractive compared to other markets – or in stocks. With regards to stocks, the pricing declines witnessed in the Egyptian capital market remained greater than other markets. Moreover, it is expected that the Egyptian economy will be the only economy in the region that will record growth, according to the estimation of many international entities, including the World Bank.